A split rail fence is a relatively simple construction. It consists of wooden posts driven into the ground. Wooden rails span between the posts, fitting into notches cut into the posts. The simplest fence features two rails, but you can increase the number based on your needs. You can also incorporate other materials to augment the fence's look and utility.
Below are some ways split rail fencing can complement your property.
While a picket fence is a classic for decorative garden fencing, split rail has its charm. For decorative purposes, the fence fits in well with rustic styles. It can give the ambiance of a homey, country style fence.
For example, if you want a fence that's purely decorative, consider having it made out of weathered wood. Indeed, you even see split rail fences made out of rough-hewn logs or branches.
You can also use a split rail fence for a tidier look. In fact, a white split rail fence can be a stand-in for a picket fence in a cottage garden. The white fencing makes an attractive background for colorful flowers and other landscaping.
Split rail fencing originated on farms where it was used to keep horses and cows penned in. This usage is why the fencing is associated with rustic styles. However, it's still good for its original purpose - keeping your horses on your property.
Horse pens have specific fencing requirements. The fence must be highly visible because horses are farsighted. If the fence doesn't carry visual weight, they might not notice it until it's too late. Naturally, it must also be high enough that they can't jump over. Finally, horses will try to free themselves if they become entangled in a wire fence, causing injury.
A split rail fence checks all those boxes. The wooden posts and rails are clearly visible, especially if you paint them. As noted, you can add as many rails as needed - 54 to 60 inches above the ground is recommended. Finally, horses are unlikely to become entangled in the fencing since it's so visible and sturdy.
What's more, split rail fencing is offered in materials besides wood. You can have a vinyl fence installed which mimics the look of wood. The advantage for horses is that, even if they push against the fence, they won't get any splinters.
A split rail fence is the most climbable of fence types. It conveniently features beams for grabbing and standing on. Therefore, a split rail fence alone is not ideal for children and pets. However, you can combine it with fencing mesh to make the fence more secure.
With this process, the contractors build the split rail fence according to your specifications. A threerail fence is common for this style of fencing. From there, the contractors install a backing, usually wire mesh, to the inside. The wire mesh prevents children from getting handholds or dogs from clambering over.
You can also have the split rail fence backed with chain link. The chain link mesh is even sturdier than standard mesh. Indeed, adding rails is an ideal way to beautify a utilitarian chain link fence.
Whether you choose wire or chain link mesh, a backed split rail fence is also ideal for keeping animals out of your property. If small animals are a problem, look to the smaller wire mesh. Even rabbits or raccoons will have difficulty getting through.
With larger animal visitors, such as coyotes, you'll want to invest in a taller fence with chain link. Such a fence could even work out well for horse fencing. The split rail will still be visible to your horses, while the chain link will keep them safe from predators.
Reap the benefits of split rail fencing by having one installed on your property. Contact Duke Fence Co., Inc., for all your fencing needs.
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